Celebrating the Faith of Kids and Kids at Heart

At Kidly Faith, we believe that the faith of kids can move mountains. Even Jesus emphasized this when He said we must become like little children (Matthew 18:3).  

The Problem

As family members, church leaders, and educators, we have a high calling to teach our children about the amazing love of God. Unfortunately, this is often difficult given the culture that we live in. Our children are often bombarded with content that is not Christ-centered.

We believe it’s time we give them something better. 

Why We Exist

Every day, we are inspired by the dedication of Christian families who work faithfully and courageously to build a strong foundation for their children. That is why we strive to create engaging, quality resources to help children know and love Jesus for themselves. 

Kids are courageous enough to dream big, pray boldly, and love fearlessly. That’s something worth building and celebrating!